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Writer's pictureDawn Collyer

Preventing Heat Strokes in Dogs

Summer is here, and while we're eager to enjoy the hot, sunny weather, it's important to remember that our dogs can struggle in the heat. Thankfully, there are several things we can do to keep them cool and help them have a great summer. Here are our top tips!

Dogs can't cool themselves down as easily as we can because they can't sweat. Instead, they mainly use panting to stay cool. Their thick fur, which is like wearing an insulated coat, can make them prone to overheating. It's important to do everything we can to keep our furry friends cool to prevent serious illnesses like heatstroke.

If the weather is looking warm, it's best to take steps to cool your dog down before they start getting hot. Look out for signs that your dog is feeling too hot, such as panting, stopping their exercise, or lying stretched out. It's important to monitor them closely. You should also be aware of the signs of heatstroke so you can get help quickly if they overheat. Common signs include

heavy panting, drooling, wobbling, and having trouble standing up, as well as b

right red gums.

Dawn xx

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